BlueMoon initiate CDCs to:
Manage the initiation and capacity building of the school staff members who will run CDC.
Raise awareness of labor law, and will improve basic skills such as entrepreneurship, management, and negotiations.
Regulate internship and employment programs between the ATS and agricultural organisations through drafting fair contracts that are compliant to acclaimed ethical standards of employment.
Ensuring the students rights are legally met when employed
Promote ethical behavior with a focus on positive work attitudes
Enhance work performance, overall productivity, and sustainable development.
ATS student database with QR coded cards
Each student receives a card that states their Name, National ID, School, and most importantly their age, and on the back of the card is the scannable QR code that links to the database.
Agricultural companies can scan the user’s QR code to have to receive updated information on students/graduates as well as scores by trainers and supervisors at work i.e. the database will reflect the true calibre of students/graduates.
Regulate the career development center BlueMoon to reflecting the true callbire of each student
Data Authentication
Students received startup resources and managed to demonstrate excellent entrepreneurship skills, under the supervision of their teachers.
Most of the students proved that their business is a profit making venture.
It is totally possible to do business in a positive, thoughtful way, but in order to
make the impact you seek, you have to step into your power fully, you have to own it!
One of the 92 winners of the USAID Funded Premium Project Entrepreneurship Competition.
Received EGP1,500 for raising 140 ducklings.
Sold her ducks in September and made EGP3,600, more than double the investment in two months.